Read more about the article Suddenly getting dizzy spells during your menopause?
If your dizziness disrupts your daily routine, if you faint, or if you have chest pain, trouble breathing or changes in your speech or vision, then it is more unlikely that the dizziness is due to menopause. — dpa

Suddenly getting dizzy spells during your menopause?

Dizziness is one of 34 recognised menopausal symptoms, albeit a lesser-known one. You may experience faintness, feeling like everything around you is spinning (vertigo), losing your balance and becoming light-headed…

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Read more about the article Is male menopause a real thing?
Aside from too much food and too little exercise, that beer belly could also be due to decreasing testosterone levels, which can result in increased fat deposition. — AFP

Is male menopause a real thing?

Women aren’t the only ones who go through changes in the production of sex hormones as they age – a process known as menopause. Men too experience symptoms of change…

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Read more about the article Men, here’s how to support your woman through menopause
Exercising together as a couple will not only help to mitigate the symptoms of menopause, but also keep both partners healthy and strengthen their bond. — AFP

Men, here’s how to support your woman through menopause

The natural biological changes a female’s body goes through are often treated as taboo subjects, even among women themselves. Just think of the many euphemisms that are used for periods,…

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