Read more about the article Why It Is Important to Control Your Sugar Intake During Ramadan
Attending tarawih prayers can be part of your physical activity routine during Ramadan, especially if you walk to and from the mosque or surau. Photo: Filepic

Why It Is Important to Control Your Sugar Intake During Ramadan

With the month of Ramadan well under way, diabetics might be wondering how fasting is affecting their blood sugar control. This is a very important thing to consider, as a…

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Read more about the article Tips to reduce sugar in your diet
Take a small step to reduce your sugar intake by using a teaspoon, instead of a tablespoon of sugar for your drink. - Filepic

Tips to reduce sugar in your diet

It’s time to stop our addiction to this oh-so-desirable and prevalent sweet stuff. In the first article of this “sweet series” (Just too sweet, Fit for life, Nov 30), we looked…

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