Read more about the article When you have insufficient magnesium
As magnesium regulates neurotransmitters in the body, a lack of it can cause symptoms ranging from brain fog and anxiety to insomnia and migraines. — AFP

When you have insufficient magnesium

In the human body, magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral. It plays a role in over 300 physiological processes. Many metabolic processes require this nutrient, as well as many…

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Read more about the article Injecting essential vitamins and minerals into the body
Nutritional IV therapy could be an alternative care pathway for patients who have trouble with oral medications or require a fast delivery of vitamins. — Photos:

Injecting essential vitamins and minerals into the body

The use of intravenous (IV) infusion therapy has been a critical part of patient care for decades, serving as a fast and reliable solution for dehydration, nutritional deficiencies and medication…

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