Read more about the article Could this sleep hormone help with anti-ageing too?
Applying melatonin cream may help to reduce the signs of ageing on your skin, including reducing wrinkles and enhancing skin tone and hydration. — TNS

Could this sleep hormone help with anti-ageing too?

In our ceaseless quest for the elusive fountain of youth, scientists have turned their attention to a surprising candidate: melatonin. Typically renowned for its role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle,…

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Read more about the article Melatonin does more than promote sleep
Melatonin is produced during your rest period at night, so anything that disrupts your sleep will also disrupt the production of this hormone. —

Melatonin does more than promote sleep

Melatonin is considered the “sleep hormone” as it is usually recommended for supporting a good night’s sleep, but it turns out that the benefits of melatonin don’t just stop at…

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Read more about the article More than just a sleep hormone
The melatonin hormone regulates our circadian rhythm for a good night's rest, but may also help alleviate symptoms of depression, cancer and autoimmune disorders. Photo: Istock

More than just a sleep hormone

The benefits of melatonin extend beyond helping you get a good night’s rest, benefitting many areas of a person’s health. Here, we will discuss the role of melatonin in alleviating depression,…

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